Saturday 14 December 2013

Trip to Highclere Castle and Lincoln Christmas Market

So I'm a major Downton Abbey fan and I was very excited to go and see where a lot of it is filmed at Highclere Castle in Newbury. I went with my friend and her family and we were generally just oohing and aahing all day, and pretending to be part of the Grantham family. I just thought I'd show you some of the pictures I took, (I'm not an avid photographer so don't expect too much!) although they are from the outside, as you weren't allowed to take any inside.

Last weekend was the Lincoln Christmas Market, and two of my friends from home were staying so we all went together and if you have been you will know how absolutely huge it is! This was my first time going and it was really amazing so I would definitely recommend it. I've just got a couple of photos of the Ferris wheel, as it was very difficult to stop and take a decent picture with so many
people hustling and bustling around.

So that's what I've been up to in the last couple of weeks, what have you been doing so far in the build up to Christmas?

Sunday 1 December 2013

The Mid Autumn/Winter Posts: Skin and Bodycare

Hello! As I seem to be rubbish at keeping on top of things university-wise I feel I've neglected this blog which isn't really best, seeing as it is in it's early days, so I am going to make a conscious effort to do better.

I don't know about you but when the weather changed from warm to very chilly my skin did not like it and I did suffer from a few breakouts. When tackling spots I like to use a face mask (I usually only do face masks every couple of weeks when I remember), like this Good Things five minute facial face mask, which is designed for younger skin and is moisturising rather than being very astringent and drying your skin out which I find some masks do.

I also apply my Witch stick directly onto spots, which is amazing, very inexpensive, and really works to dry out spots and make their exit quicker.

I have made a change in my face moisturiser from the Simple clear skin oil balancing moisturiser to the hydrating light moisturiser, as my face is dryer and less oily in the colder months.

My hands really suffer in the winter and often get dry and chapped if I forget my gloves or mittens and are exposed to cold and hot temperatures when I'm going in out and of buildings. I always keep a hand moisturiser in my bag and these are really handbag friendly - Soap and Glory Endless Glove and Hand Food. Don't you just love Soap and Glory's product names?

When my hands need extra moisture or often before I go to bed, I use E45 cream as its really intensely moisturising.

And finally for body moisturising I like to use my Soap and Glory exfoliating gloves in the shower a couple of times a week, and then apply either my Body Shop papaya body butter, which smells a-mazing! Or I use my Garnier intensive 7 days ultra softening lotion.

Lips-wise, I have a LOT of lip balms to keep my lips hydrated, but these are the ones I have been using recently. The Body Shop lemon lip butter is really creamy and smells sooo good! Another favourite is the cocoa butter Vaseline which smells lovely and leaves your lips feeling soft but also has a bit of a glossy effect I think. And lastly is the original Carmex lip balm which I have in a tube version, and I like how it's a little bit tingly on your lips.

So that's it for autumn/winter skincare changes and additions! What do you like to change or use at this time of the year?