Sunday 17 November 2013

Some Little Things/ Facts About Me

Hello everyone! I just wanted to write a really short post on wierd little things I do because I think it's good to have a bit of an insight into people and would love if anyone else commented and did the same thing, because I'm nosey and hopefully you are too!

1. I have a major obsession with notepads and lists. Seriously, browsing a stationary and notepad section gets my heart going and I'm all of a flutter. I have notebooks dedicated to list making - note the plural notebooks - and over the years I have gotten through a ridiculous amount, but I have no shame.

2. When I peel a Satsuma or an orange I always peel it in one go. I don't know whether I can call it a talent but I'm always left with one whole piece of peel.

3. I have to carry my bag on my right shoulder, I literally can't have it on my left or I cannot walk properly, I have walked in to things whilst trying.

4. I love marmite and cream cheese in a sandwich or on toast. All my friends seem to think this is weird, but it's so scrummy.

So that's all folks, just wanted to share that with you, and do please post your own in the comments or send me a link to your blog.

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