Friday 27 September 2013

Freshers Week Round Two

So this week, has been my university's freshers week, which basically entails going out, meeting new people and generally having fun for a week. I have taken a slightly more laidback approach this year than I did when I was actually a fresher and everything and everyone were new.
    So I have skipped a couple of days of going out on the town, which I'm sure my bladder and bank balance are thankful for, and instead have reached out of my comfort zone and tried out some new things. For one thing, I have joined a gym, and am actually enjoying being more active for a change. And secondly, I attended a lacrosse taster session, which I had no idea how to play and have decided to join the club. I was extremely nervous as I do get quite anxious about having any attention on me or trying new things in front of other people, (I am the most introvert Leo you are likely to come across), but I am very glad that I went ahead and had a go, because it turned out that I really enjoyed it.

   I plan on posting a little more regularly now that I have decided not just to blog about beauty, which was feeling a little daunting, and I really hope that I will be more successful in writing about things that more people will be interested in.

  Please leave comment if you like, or if you want to share anything new that you've tried recently!

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