Friday 20 September 2013

Starting University

Hello there, so I thought I'd just make a short university based blog post, as it's the time of year that everyone is either going back to or starting university. I myself will be in fact be returning as a second year tomorrow, and will be moving my things into the house I am sharing with two lovely girls that I have become very good friends with this past year.
   So whilst I will be going back to somewhere that is known to me, a lot of you will probably feeling very nervous and unsure of how your university life will pan out. So I thought I'd give some tips that I would have liked to have been given myself when I moved into my halls of residence, this time last year:

1. On moving in day, make sure you wear something comfortable but also that you feel confident in as I know when I'm happy with my outfit then I feel better about meeting people.

2. Remember that everyone is in the same boat! You will all most likely be nervous, so don't feel like you're the only one.

3. Make sure you say hello and introduce yourself straight away. If you're brave enough, don't wait for people to come to you, go and say hi first.

4. My final top tip is that when you arrive unpack any ornaments, photos or anything that makes you feel at home so your room doesn't feel so alien and most of all just remember to relax and have fun.

   So I hope these tips are helpful to you, and please leave a comment if they are or if you have any other tips.

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