Friday 17 January 2014

Berry Banana Smoothie

I love fruit smoothies and often make them at home as its so simple so I thought I'd let you know how I make them, and you could of course make substitutions or add some other ingredients. I've used a blender as I was at home, but at university where I don't have this luxury I use a hand whizzer (don't know the actual name!) which is great for smoothies and also when making soup.

 So to make a smoothie for one person you need:

1/2 glass frozen berries
1 tbsp natural or greek yoghurt
1 chopped banana
Glug of fruit juice to stop it from being too thick

So there's not really too many instructions needed to make this smoothie. Just add the ingredients one at a time, and whizz them all together. If it's too thick then just add more juice or you could add a splash of milk.

Please leave a comment if you try this or if you have any suggestions for other smoothies!

Saturday 11 January 2014

Nailed It - Affordable Chip Resistant Top and Base Combination

I rarely have unpainted nails and as I paint them so often, I have gone through a fair few top and base coat nail polishes. At the moment I think I have found a winning combination and they are also very affordable which is always good for a student and my ever decreasing bank account.

So as a base coat I am using the Barry M Top and Base Coat and as a top coat (although it is actually a base coat but I didn't see that when I bought it), I use the Maybelline 7 Days Gel nail polish in transparent. Over the years, as I do use my hands quite a lot I have got used to my nails chipping after a couple of days and having to repaint them, but using these two along with my colour of choice, I have gotten four days of wear out of them without a chip in sight.

Let me know if you try this combination or if you have any chip resisting tips.

Saturday 4 January 2014

New Years Resolutions

First things first, Happy New Year! I hope you've had an amazing Christmas and I hope whatever you got up to on New Years Eve was a whole lotta fun. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself seeing all of my family and friends and also eating ridiculous amounts of lovely festive food. But without further ado here are my new year's resolutions:

  1. Okay, okay I know everyone says this but I really do need to shift some Christmas pounds. Whilst eating my body weight in chocolate has been a glorious time, I fear that if I don't get off the sofa soon I will remain there for a little too long! So eating a littler healthier and getting off my butt is in order.
  2. I'd like to develop more of a regime when it comes to skincare. I received a Liz Earle skincare set as a Christmas present and have been loving using it, but I have also been using some other products from Simple that I usually use so I want to create more of a routine.
  3. To perfect winged eyeliner! You may already be a pro but I still find myself making a mistake and then trying to touch up my eyeliner, resulting in a too thick line, leaving me with a look that could be titled eagle winged liner rather than the sultry cat eye flick that I was going for.
  4. Finally I would like to be more adventurous or do something different with my hair. I currently have it dip dyed and usually put in a wave but I would like to possibly try an auburn colour and some shorter layers. I also really want to try the Bumble and bumble. thickening dryspun finish, because after watching videos of it in use I feel this will answer my prayers for fuller hair.
So that's it for my resolutions, who's to say how long I will keep them up but I'll try! What are you resolutions for 2014?