Friday 17 January 2014

Berry Banana Smoothie

I love fruit smoothies and often make them at home as its so simple so I thought I'd let you know how I make them, and you could of course make substitutions or add some other ingredients. I've used a blender as I was at home, but at university where I don't have this luxury I use a hand whizzer (don't know the actual name!) which is great for smoothies and also when making soup.

 So to make a smoothie for one person you need:

1/2 glass frozen berries
1 tbsp natural or greek yoghurt
1 chopped banana
Glug of fruit juice to stop it from being too thick

So there's not really too many instructions needed to make this smoothie. Just add the ingredients one at a time, and whizz them all together. If it's too thick then just add more juice or you could add a splash of milk.

Please leave a comment if you try this or if you have any suggestions for other smoothies!

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