Saturday 14 December 2013

Trip to Highclere Castle and Lincoln Christmas Market

So I'm a major Downton Abbey fan and I was very excited to go and see where a lot of it is filmed at Highclere Castle in Newbury. I went with my friend and her family and we were generally just oohing and aahing all day, and pretending to be part of the Grantham family. I just thought I'd show you some of the pictures I took, (I'm not an avid photographer so don't expect too much!) although they are from the outside, as you weren't allowed to take any inside.

Last weekend was the Lincoln Christmas Market, and two of my friends from home were staying so we all went together and if you have been you will know how absolutely huge it is! This was my first time going and it was really amazing so I would definitely recommend it. I've just got a couple of photos of the Ferris wheel, as it was very difficult to stop and take a decent picture with so many
people hustling and bustling around.

So that's what I've been up to in the last couple of weeks, what have you been doing so far in the build up to Christmas?

Sunday 1 December 2013

The Mid Autumn/Winter Posts: Skin and Bodycare

Hello! As I seem to be rubbish at keeping on top of things university-wise I feel I've neglected this blog which isn't really best, seeing as it is in it's early days, so I am going to make a conscious effort to do better.

I don't know about you but when the weather changed from warm to very chilly my skin did not like it and I did suffer from a few breakouts. When tackling spots I like to use a face mask (I usually only do face masks every couple of weeks when I remember), like this Good Things five minute facial face mask, which is designed for younger skin and is moisturising rather than being very astringent and drying your skin out which I find some masks do.

I also apply my Witch stick directly onto spots, which is amazing, very inexpensive, and really works to dry out spots and make their exit quicker.

I have made a change in my face moisturiser from the Simple clear skin oil balancing moisturiser to the hydrating light moisturiser, as my face is dryer and less oily in the colder months.

My hands really suffer in the winter and often get dry and chapped if I forget my gloves or mittens and are exposed to cold and hot temperatures when I'm going in out and of buildings. I always keep a hand moisturiser in my bag and these are really handbag friendly - Soap and Glory Endless Glove and Hand Food. Don't you just love Soap and Glory's product names?

When my hands need extra moisture or often before I go to bed, I use E45 cream as its really intensely moisturising.

And finally for body moisturising I like to use my Soap and Glory exfoliating gloves in the shower a couple of times a week, and then apply either my Body Shop papaya body butter, which smells a-mazing! Or I use my Garnier intensive 7 days ultra softening lotion.

Lips-wise, I have a LOT of lip balms to keep my lips hydrated, but these are the ones I have been using recently. The Body Shop lemon lip butter is really creamy and smells sooo good! Another favourite is the cocoa butter Vaseline which smells lovely and leaves your lips feeling soft but also has a bit of a glossy effect I think. And lastly is the original Carmex lip balm which I have in a tube version, and I like how it's a little bit tingly on your lips.

So that's it for autumn/winter skincare changes and additions! What do you like to change or use at this time of the year?

Sunday 17 November 2013

Some Little Things/ Facts About Me

Hello everyone! I just wanted to write a really short post on wierd little things I do because I think it's good to have a bit of an insight into people and would love if anyone else commented and did the same thing, because I'm nosey and hopefully you are too!

1. I have a major obsession with notepads and lists. Seriously, browsing a stationary and notepad section gets my heart going and I'm all of a flutter. I have notebooks dedicated to list making - note the plural notebooks - and over the years I have gotten through a ridiculous amount, but I have no shame.

2. When I peel a Satsuma or an orange I always peel it in one go. I don't know whether I can call it a talent but I'm always left with one whole piece of peel.

3. I have to carry my bag on my right shoulder, I literally can't have it on my left or I cannot walk properly, I have walked in to things whilst trying.

4. I love marmite and cream cheese in a sandwich or on toast. All my friends seem to think this is weird, but it's so scrummy.

So that's all folks, just wanted to share that with you, and do please post your own in the comments or send me a link to your blog.

Sunday 10 November 2013

The Mid Autumn Posts: My Autumn Nails

Okay so I missed the boat on filling you in on what I plan on doing beautywise in Autumn, so I thought I'd write a few posts on what I am already doing in my favourite season of the year. I am starting off these posts with my choices of nail colour.

First up, is Savile Row by Nails Inc. and this particular bottle is a miniature which came in a set. I think this colour is really gorgeous; a deep plummy shade with a pretty glossy finish. It's also great because it doesn't really clash with anything so it's pretty much a go - to colour when you haven't planned any outfits and don't know what colours you will be wearing.

A colour which I have loved for a long time is Barry M's nail polish in Raspberry; I'll forgive the rather unimaginative name due to it being such a sumptuous shade, and it is very much the colour of a raspberry. N.B If you don't like feet I apologise for my chubby toes, I just thought my toes should get in on the action as I do paint them as well!


And lastly in my little trio of most used colours this autumn is actually another miniature Nails Inc. nail polish, none other than Porchester Square. This is the most beautiful nude, I'd describe it as a sort of mink colour, slightly grey nude with a very mild purpley hint. It is wonderfully sophisticated and just gives your nails a polished yet effortlessly simple look. (Sorry that this picture is smaller, for some reason the menu wouldn't appear to enlarge it.)


So please do stay tuned for the rest of my Autumn posts and let me know in the comments what nail varnishes you're loving at the moment!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Makeup Brush Storage

To some this may seem a very mundane and dull topic. However I am always intrigued to see how other's store their makeup brushes, and I have noticed that a lot of people have lovely pots and holders for them. I don't have an especially large collection, I'm slowly adding to it, but I keep mine in a mug which I love and was very sad when the handle broke off. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away so now it makes what I like to think of as a slightly kooky brush holder.

                       How do you store your makeup brushes? Please leave a comment below!

Friday 27 September 2013

Freshers Week Round Two

So this week, has been my university's freshers week, which basically entails going out, meeting new people and generally having fun for a week. I have taken a slightly more laidback approach this year than I did when I was actually a fresher and everything and everyone were new.
    So I have skipped a couple of days of going out on the town, which I'm sure my bladder and bank balance are thankful for, and instead have reached out of my comfort zone and tried out some new things. For one thing, I have joined a gym, and am actually enjoying being more active for a change. And secondly, I attended a lacrosse taster session, which I had no idea how to play and have decided to join the club. I was extremely nervous as I do get quite anxious about having any attention on me or trying new things in front of other people, (I am the most introvert Leo you are likely to come across), but I am very glad that I went ahead and had a go, because it turned out that I really enjoyed it.

   I plan on posting a little more regularly now that I have decided not just to blog about beauty, which was feeling a little daunting, and I really hope that I will be more successful in writing about things that more people will be interested in.

  Please leave comment if you like, or if you want to share anything new that you've tried recently!

Friday 20 September 2013

Starting University

Hello there, so I thought I'd just make a short university based blog post, as it's the time of year that everyone is either going back to or starting university. I myself will be in fact be returning as a second year tomorrow, and will be moving my things into the house I am sharing with two lovely girls that I have become very good friends with this past year.
   So whilst I will be going back to somewhere that is known to me, a lot of you will probably feeling very nervous and unsure of how your university life will pan out. So I thought I'd give some tips that I would have liked to have been given myself when I moved into my halls of residence, this time last year:

1. On moving in day, make sure you wear something comfortable but also that you feel confident in as I know when I'm happy with my outfit then I feel better about meeting people.

2. Remember that everyone is in the same boat! You will all most likely be nervous, so don't feel like you're the only one.

3. Make sure you say hello and introduce yourself straight away. If you're brave enough, don't wait for people to come to you, go and say hi first.

4. My final top tip is that when you arrive unpack any ornaments, photos or anything that makes you feel at home so your room doesn't feel so alien and most of all just remember to relax and have fun.

   So I hope these tips are helpful to you, and please leave a comment if they are or if you have any other tips.

Thursday 12 September 2013

My Current Top 5 Makeup Products

So I thought I'd make a post about my current, top 5 favourite makeup products at the moment. Some of them I've been loving for a long time, and some are newer to my most loved list. So in no particular order here they are:

  • First up is my Benefit Erase Paste. I can't remember what colour I have and the label has come off of the bottom but I know it was one shade darker than the palest one. I have been using and loving this concealer for a couple of years now and it is one of my most used products, which is why I can see the bottom of the little jar. However, it does last a really long time. I love the packaging I think it's really fun and cute and the concealer itself is a real cracker. It has a creamy consistency, provides good coverage where used and lasts well on the skin. I like that it conceals my dark circles but is also great for covering up pesky blemishes. A pot of Erase Paste is priced at £19.50 which is at the higher end of my budget when it comes to buying makeup, (me being a student and all), however I am willing to splash out a bit more on this as I know it's worth it.

  • My Real Techniques Buffing Brush must be mentioned here, even if it is a tool rather than an actual make up product. The brush is so soft on the skin and really does a great job of buffing my foundation or tinted moisturiser to give a smooth, flawless finish. I got this buffing brush as part of a set called 'Real Techniques Core Collection Kit ' for Christmas and I have been using it constantly since then. The brush on it's own I think costs around £10 or £11.

  • Bourjois Delice de Poudre (the one that looks like chocolate), is a bronzer which I have been using every day for a really long time now. I have only had to repurchase it once, because it is such a long lasting product. In my opinion, it doesn't actually smell like chocolate, but it does have a sweet, vanilla scent which I'm a fan of. This bronzer has a tiny shimmer to it in the pan, but on the skin I don't think it's very noticeable, as I am not a major fan of shimmer, I also like that it's not too orangey in colour. I use the shade 52, which I would recommend for people with a medium skin tone; not really fair, but not any darker than a tanned olive skin tone. At £6.99 I think this bronzer is amazing value.

  • In terms of mascara, the one that I'm loving and have also only just started using, is the HC Instant Lash Extender. I'm not sure how much this is, as it was given to me as a birthday present by my best friend who knows how much I go on about wanting longer eyelashes, and this product claims to promote lash growth within a month or two. I have yet to see whether my lashes will extend and become uber fluttery and flirtatious, however I do know that in the mean time, it does a damn good job of extending, separating and adding volume to my eyelashes and it gets my full approval.

  • Last but not least is the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable balm stain in the colour 001 Honey Douce, which costs £7.99. I know that some people are not a fan of the smell of this product which is slightly minty, but I am not offended by it, and I find it to be quite a fresh smell. This balm stain is great because it moisturises my lips, has an almost glossy effect to start with, and then when the balm has faded I am left with a pretty pink stain which lasts for hours, and is great for when I'm working and can't keep reapplying lip products. This colour is lovely too as it is a pinky nude with bluey purple undertones, and I think it really completes and polishes an everyday makeup look ,but also works well to keep lips looking nice whilst wearing heavier eye makeup for a night out.

                                    So those are my current favourites, what are yours?

Friday 30 August 2013

First post...

Hello, I'm Melissa, I'm from Essex and I have just turned 19 years old. I have considered the idea of having a blog for a while now, but was unsure how to go about it. However, I have decided to take the plunge and will hopefully improve my blogging skills as I can't say I'm entirely sure that I know what I'm doing!

  I am really interested in and love all things beauty related and have been watching Tanya Burr on YouTube for a few years now. She has greatly inspired me and given me so many beauty tips and ideas and also led me to find loads of other beauty and fashion youtubers such as Zoella, Pixiwoo, Vivianna Does Makeup and Sprinkle Of Glitter, who are all equally inspiring.

  I think I will be making fairly regular posts on here, probably once a week. If you enjoy my posts or want me to go and have a look at your blog, please leave a comment!